Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby #2 is Born

On August 23rd, 2011, at 12:53, our second child was born by caesarean section. We did not plan on a c-section but it became increasingly clear in the last few days that a c-section represented our best chance at a healthy delivery.

Happily, it was a very healthy delivery. The baby was a boy, weighed 9 pounds 9 ounces and measured 20.8 cms long. He scored well on his APGAR tests. His name is Bertram Matthew Naphan. We picked the name very early in the pregnancy, primarily because we like how it shortens to Bertie or Bert, and thus continuing our fascination with popular fin-de-siecle British names.

Also, the Naphan name lives on! Bring forth men-children only, for thy undaunted mettle should compose nothing but males!


  1. Nikki and Curtis,

    Congratulations! Blessings to your new baby boy.

    Love, Natasha, Adam, Colin, and Henry.

  2. such happy 'new-family-of-four'pictures!!
    love and welcome little bertram!
    congratulations to you nikki,(looking very proud, pleased and healthy), curtis, (oh proud papa...man with the sense of humour and wit!),and winnie, (your delightful smile tells it all!!)
    love nanna and grandpa xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Congrats & hope Nikki has a speedy recovery.

